What is Kiwanis?
Kiwanis is a worldwide service organization whose mission is to improve the lives of others, particularly children. Kiwanis was founded in Detroit, Michigan in 1915 and has grown to 9000 clubs located in more than 80 nations. The Presque Isle chapter was chartered in 1950 and admitted women in 1987.
How is Kiwanis organized?
The Presque Isle Kiwanis Club is administered locally, guided by national by-laws. Officers, a Board of Directors, and numerous committees direct the club. Members serve on one or more committees and participate in service activities. Club members meet weekly at noon on Tuesday at the Presque Isle Inn & Convention Center. Committees meet as needed at a convenient time and place.
What does it cost to be a member?
Annual dues are $100. Meals at the weekly meetings are $10, but the meal is optional. Members not eating are charged $3 to help pay for the location and catering fees.
Who belongs to the Presque Isle Kiwanis Club?
Most of the members live in and around Presque Isle. The men and women in the club include a wide span of ages that range from the 20s to the 80s. There are about
60 Kiwanians in the Presque Isle club. Members are business men and women, professionals, community volunteers, retirees, and others interested in the group.
What goes on at the weekly meetings?
Club meetings are held weekly at noon on Tuesday at the Presque Isle Inn & Convention Center in Presque Isle. A typical club meeting begins with lunch, followed by the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance, and Invocation. Club business is conducted as necessary, and that is followed by an informative presentation usually lasting about 20 minutes. The meeting is planned from 12:00 noon to approximately 1:00 p.m.
What would be my responsibility as a member?
- Attend weekly meetings
(this obligation can be met by participating in other club activities)
- Participate in fund raising activities as you are able
- Serve on a committee (normally meet before or after a regular meeting)
- Recommend potential members
Why should I join Kiwanis?
You can benefit from joining Kiwanis in a number of ways:
- Develop valued and enduring friendships
- Enjoy fellowship and good times
- Build business and professional contacts
- Develop and use your leadership skills
- Help improve your community and build its youth.
- Gain a feeling of contributing and making a difference in the community
- Be currently informed on issues from our weekly speakers
- Enjoy the prestige of being a member of KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL
What is the source of funds?
The club has regular events that generate funds. Funds raised are used for local charitable purposes and scholarships.